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Our Lady of Lourdes
RC Primary School

Governor Information

The Governors’ role is to ensure that the Catholicity and development of Our Lady of Lourdes is strong; they ensure the strategic direction of the school and have an overview of the school’s daily actions.

Governors bring a wide variety of expertise from their professional lives. They provide an immense service in directing the school strategically.

The Governors and Headteacher now have greatly increased responsibilities and powers. Complaints, in the first instance, should be referred to the Headteacher. Matters which remain unresolved will then be referred to the Chair of Governors who can be contacted via the school.

School Leadership and Staff Governors 

Name Committee Attendance Term of Office Register of Business Interest
Ruth Boon Headteacher Local Governing Committee, PFP n/a Nothing to declare

Louise Crampton

Deputy Headteacher

Local Governing Committee, PFP n/a Nothing to declare
Staff Governor- awaiting appointment Local Governing Committee n/a  

Foundation Governors

Name Commitee Attendance Term of Office Register of Business Interests

Richard Sharman

Chair of Governors

Local Governing Committee, Pay, PFP 22/05/2019 to 21/05/2027 Nothing to declare

Maureen Okoye

Vice Chair

Local Governing Committee 22/05/2019 to 21/05/2027

Executive Headteacher

Aine Burke Local Governing Committee, Pay, PFP (Chair), Admissions  03/12/2018 to 02/12/2026

Deputy Headteacher

Secondary School.

Chair of Governors

Primary School

Augusta Joseph Local Governing Committee, PFP (Chair), Admissions  01/11/2020 to 31/10/2024- being renewed Nothing to declare
Phillipe Freund Local Governing Committee 22/05/2019 to 21/05/2027 Nothing to declare
Peter Mhagrh Local Governing Committee 22/05/2024 to 21/05/2028 Nothing to declare
Father Martin Boland Local Governing Committee 17/11/2023 to 16/11/2027 Nothing to declare
Donna Tooth Local Governing Committee 28/06/2024 to 27/06.2028 Also a Governor at TCHS

Co-opted Governors (with voting rights)

Name Committee Attendance Term of office Register of Business Interests
Anthony McCarthy Local Governing Committee, Pay, PFP 23/05/2012 to 22/05/2028 Foundation Governor, Primary School
Tony Denham Local Governing Committee, Admissions 14/03/2024 to 13/03/2028 Nothing to declare

Parent Governors

Name Committee Attendance Term of office Register of Business Interests
Nic Bernal Local Governing Committee, Pay, PFP (Vice Chair), Admissions 14/10/2019 to 16/11/2027 Nothing to declare

Clerk to Board of Governors

Angela Adams

Havering Governors Services

Governor Attendance

Privacy Notice - Governors